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Bharatanatyam for Kids: A Dance Form With Many Advantages
Bharatanatyam dance is a kind of dance that you can learn at any age and there are many benefits to learn it. If you want your child to learn Bharatanatyam, they can start when they are four years old. There are many benefits to learning this type of dance and Geethalayam is an excellent school […]
Effect Of Music On A Stressed Mind
Listening To Music Music has been here since humans started to live on this planet. Humans were first introduced to the tune of bird songs that unknowingly brought unlimited happiness and solace to their stress-filled hearts. With advanced technology, music has now reached higher levels that enable people to access music at any time of […]
Unbelievable Health Benefits Of Attending Live Music Concerts
Live music concert offers a mesmerizing experience to the people who attend it. You may be surprised to know that being a part of a live music concert has some positive effects on your health. There are various health benefits that you can experience when you attend a live music concert. Here you would know […]
Scientific facts about music
It is well known that music is beneficial in various ways. Some of the scientific facts and researches support music are as follows: Unborn babies listen and react to music Some scientist surgically attached microphone into the womb of pregnant women and measured two things: when music is played outside the womb, it was heard […]
Interesting Facts About Music
The best thing about music is when music hit you, it is sure you would not feel pain. Music is derived from the term Muses- arts goddesses in Greek Mythology. There is no person in the world to hate music. Music does wonders to health and mood. It refreshes you from sadness. One of the […]
Important information about Music and its effects on the brain
The brain has the capacity to function in ways which we cannot understand. In several studies, the researchers have seen how certain normal things such as music effect and change it completely. We have explained some interesting facts about music on this blog. The chills received while listening to the song is caused by the […]
Blessing of Infant’s Music Class
Is your infant more into mobile phones and tablets and thus lives in his own dreamland? Well, it’s time to introduce your child to the real world which can be achieved by Music. Yes, you read it right. It has been proved that infants in their first year or more, who have been introduced to […]
Why Do Spa Centres Play Music – Do They Have Healing Effect?
Spa and Massage Therapy With Music At Its Core When you flip through the history book of music therapy, you realise that is has been studied off and on for decades. It has been tested on easing stress and relieving anxiety many, many times. Therefore, it is but apparent that music also used in spa […]
Cancer Cure Through Alternative Music Therapy – Anderson Diagnostics
Anderson Diagnostics Explains The Value Of Music Therapy In Cancer Music connects us to our emotions. It also helps us disconnect with them. Rhythms also link people socially. So, it should be no surprise that music has been used as therapy for cancer patients, effectively, for donkey’s years. Its use as a therapeutic tool is […]
Choosing The Best Home Theatre System To Hear Best Music
A Leading Home Theatre System Company Offers Up Advice When you look at the magnificent home theatres available in the market these days, the heart just skips. You feel like buying the one that tempts you the most and be done with it. Or hand over all of your money for the most expensive one, […]