Spa and Massage Therapy With Music At Its Core When you flip through the history book of music therapy, you realise that is has been studied off and on for decades. It has been tested on easing stress and relieving anxiety many, many times. Therefore, it is but apparent that music also used in spa […]
Month: June 2019
Cancer Cure Through Alternative Music Therapy – Anderson Diagnostics
Anderson Diagnostics Explains The Value Of Music Therapy In Cancer Music connects us to our emotions. It also helps us disconnect with them. Rhythms also link people socially. So, it should be no surprise that music has been used as therapy for cancer patients, effectively, for donkey’s years. Its use as a therapeutic tool is […]
Choosing The Best Home Theatre System To Hear Best Music
A Leading Home Theatre System Company Offers Up Advice When you look at the magnificent home theatres available in the market these days, the heart just skips. You feel like buying the one that tempts you the most and be done with it. Or hand over all of your money for the most expensive one, […]